
Top 4 Tips to Make the Most of Your Online Piano Lessons

It may be new year, but some things haven’t changed significantly since we left last year – and that means that online music lessons remain extremely popular. Due to the strains of the pandemic, more and more people are working remotely and moving their leisure activities, such as piano lessons, to the online space as well.

At The Piano Place, we offer a variety of online voice and music lessons. Our experienced instructors make virtual lessons every bit as effective and fun and in-person lessons. Since you might not be accustomed to this format, however, here are a few tips to help ensure that you get the most out of your online piano lessons.

No. 1: Have Your Materials Ready to Go

Before your lesson begins, make sure you have gathered everything you need and have those materials in front of you.

If your teacher has sent you materials, files or links in advance of the lesson, make sure you’ve looked them over before the lesson begins. After all, you want to spend your precious lesson time learning and not catching up on the material.

Have your music ready and make sure you’ve practiced since your last lesson, too! This will make the time you spend with your teacher online more productive and more fun, too.

No. 2: Don’t Be Shy – Take Notes

Have a pen and paper handy so you can jot down notes as needed during your lessons.

You can even make notes on your sheet music or, if you prefer, you could record your lesson on the device you’re using to meet with your teacher online. That way, you can go back through the lesson after you’re finished to take more notes or simply try suggestions from your teacher again until you’re happy with the outcome.

You can find a variety of apps that you can download that will let you record your lessons in real-time. Just be sure to talk to your teacher ahead of time about your desire to record, to make sure you have all the necessary permissions.

No. 3: Keep the Communication Flowing

Just like in-person learning, online music lessons are all about communication between you and your instructor.

It’s a good idea to have your measure numbers marked on your score before you start, so that you can easily discuss the music at any specific point that you need. Online, you don’t have the ability to simply point to where you are in the music, so having the measure numbers easily available for reference will help. Getting familiar with the music can also go a long way toward helping you know where you might need extra help.

No. 4: Be Ready to Learn

Piano lessons, whether in person or online, are all about your willingness to learn – and you get out of them what you put in. That’s why it’s important to make sure you’re well rested, you’ve had a snack and you are ready to give your full attention to the teacher for the duration of the lesson.

It’s a whole new world and online piano lessons can definitely be an enjoyable part of it. You may long for the time when you can go back to face-to-face lessons but, for now, you can still make sure you’re moving forward and getting the greatest possible value from your lessons by following these simple tips.

If you would like to learn more about The Piano Place – and how we’re redefining voice and piano lessons for more fun and improved learning success – contact us today.

“Music in itself is healing. It’s an explosive expression of humanity. It’s something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we’re from, everyone loves music.”
- Billy Joel
©The Piano Place 2024

The Piano Place