
Juggling Back-to-School and Piano Lessons

It’s that time of year again, back to school! It's always a fun and exciting time of the year for not only your kids but for you as a parent. You kid gets to go back to school to continue to learn, grow, and see their friends and you get back into a routine. With that being said it can also bring on a lot more activities leaving you to wonder how you are going to prioritize piano lessons.

Your kid has come so far by putting in the time and effort to prioritize their piano lessons during the summer. You can’t quit now! They have made so much progress. But, when summer comes to a close, it probably feels challenging to get back into your regular routine of work, school, and music practice after a few months off.

Here are some suggestions to get back into your groove of piano lessons and practice without regressing too much.

Set Goals

This is a great opportunity for you and your kid to talk about what music accompaniments they want to achieve during the next 9 months of the school year. This will help you and your kid stay on track and continue to progress and improve their piano skills during the school year.
Create an encouraging way to log progress. Whether it’s coloring in each day on a calendar, putting stickers on a chart, or earning candy, track your daily progress and use positive reinforcements. See how many days in a row you can practice.

Make a Schedule

Even though this might seem like a no-brainer it is very important to create a schedule. Implementing a schedule for when your kid will practice sets them up for success. Setting time aside dedicated to practicing will help them achieve their musical goals. We understand that life gets busy, but establishing a regular schedule will set you and your kid up for success.

Consistency and routine matter, especially for children who thrive on schedules and structure. Agree together on the best time to practice, whether it’s right after school, before dinner, or wherever it fits into your schedule. Allow children to have some input, so they begin to take ownership of their piano lessons.

Remove Distractions

Remove as many distractions as possible from the practice area. Put away cell phones and other electronic devices. Turn off the television, even if you cannot hear it from the practice area. Uninterrupted practice time helps your brain and body become more immersed in playing the piano. This will help your kid improve quickly and enjoy playing the piano more.

Have Fun

Last but certainly not least, HAVE FUN! With the crazy schedules that come from school and all of the extracurricular activities, it’s important to have fun through all the activities, especially piano lessons. If a friend also takes piano lessons, create an accountability and encouragement group and use fun competitions (like a “100 days of practice” challenge or agree that the first person to skip a piano practice must buy the other person their favorite snack item).

There are many reasons why learning the piano is great for your kid to learn, and making it fun will help them want to continue to learn, improve, and achieve the goals they set!

Remember, playing the piano is meant to be fun, rewarding, and challenging. As everyone returns to regular schedules after a fun summer, try to keep the fun going by making piano practice times relaxing and enjoyable for everyone. Don’t be afraid to try new things until you find the practice routine and sources of motivation that work best for you.
At The Piano Place, we are committed to helping your student become the best learner possible, both in the studio and at school! Click here to enroll today!

“Music in itself is healing. It’s an explosive expression of humanity. It’s something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we’re from, everyone loves music.”
- Billy Joel
©The Piano Place 2024

The Piano Place