Strategies to Help You Stick with Your Music Lessons

Have you committed to learning a new instrument this year? At The Piano Place, we’re supportive of everyone’s goal to expand their musical repertoire. But we also understand that, while many people start with good intentions to learn something new, some might struggle along the way.

Well, we’re here to help you reach for the sky! No matter whether you want to learn the guitar, play the piano, strum the ukulele, beat on some drums, or master the violin, we have some easy tips to help you reach your musical goals.

Here are just a few strategies we’ve shared with our students to help them learn a new instrument and stick with it.

Stretch Yourself

Lofty goals are fuel for your dreams. At least, that’s our philosophy. Sure, you don’t want to overwhelm yourself with too much at once, but creating a bit of tension between where you are and where you want to go can help motivate you.

When it comes to playing music on the instrument of your choice, it’s OK to set big goals. Ask yourself what it is you want to accomplish with music and when do you want to accomplish it? Doing so can help you to get there right on time.


Once you have musical goals, then start visualize yourself achieving them! Picture yourself having accomplished your goals, framed in a certain place at a certain time as vividly as you can. As you practice this, you’re setting the groundwork for creating the desire to not only achieve those goals but have the conviction that you can. This will take root in your subconscious and help propel you toward meeting your goals.

Not sure if this works? Track your progress as you go. Make sure to look at your goals and then write down, in as much detail as you can, how you worked to achieve your goal that day and how it felt when you did.

Trust the Process

While you may have visions of playing your favorite, but complicated, piece of music on your chosen instrument, nothing worthwhile happens overnight. You must work toward achieving it and you must embrace the actions and behaviors that will eventually lead you there.

The habits you form each day are what you really need to make a connection with -- and find a love for – the process of learning to play music. If you can do that, then you’re sure to hit your goals.

Remember, results aren’t simply something that occurs in proportion to effort, but they also are something that happens exponentially. Once you master one skill, then the next skill may come a bit easier, until you’re continually building your skillset and the results start to show.

Be Accountable

One of the great things about The Piano Place is that, whether you’re learning online or in-person with us, we help to create accountability for you. This helps to validate your progress and keeps you engaged, when you might otherwise give up. We’re glad to play this role and know that you can achieve your musical dreams if you just stick with it!

To learn more about our high-quality, affordable Utah music lessons, contact us today.

“Music in itself is healing. It’s an explosive expression of humanity. It’s something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we’re from, everyone loves music.”
- Billy Joel
©The Piano Place 2024

The Piano Place